许吉敏 副教授 硕士生导师



许吉敏  副教授  硕士生导师








2019.12--至今合肥工业大学机械工程学院     副教授

2022.12-2023.12 京都大学机械理工学专攻     访问学者

2017.09-2019.11 合肥工业大学机械工程学院   讲师

2016.09-2016.12 东京海洋大学应用物理系     访问学习


1. Jimin Xu, Ning Liu, Fang Zhang, Jun Du, Cheng Zheng, Xin Gao, Kun Liu. Frictional behaviors of 3D-printed polylactic acid components with spiral-groove surface textures under oil lubrication, ASME-Journal of Tribology, 2023, 145(1):011803.

2. Jimin Xu, Jun Du, Ning Liu, Cheng Zheng, Kun Liu, Fan Zhang, Cuiping Zhang. The suppression of magnetic force decay in a superconductor-magnet levitation system by forced high-frequency small-amplitude vibration, Cryogenics, 2023, 129:103623.

3. Cheng Zheng, Xing Gao, Fan Zhang, Wei Wang, Kun Liu, Jimin Xu#. High-quality surface polishing of selective-laser-melting stainless steel by defoamed magnetorheological elastomer, Precision Engineering 2023, 81:104-111

4. Jimin Xu, Changhuan Li, Xusheng Miao, Cuiping Zhang, Xiayang Yuan. An overview of bearing candidates for the next generation of reusable liquid rocket turbopumps [J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2020, 33: 26 (13pp).

5. Jimin Xu, Cuiping Zhang, Jianlei Wang, Wei Wang. Experimental investigations of novel compound bearing of superconducting magnetic field and hydrodynamic fluid field [J]. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 2020, 30(1): 3600407 (7pp).

6. Jimin Xu, Zhi Li, Huohong Tang, Wenying Zheng, Xiaoyang Yuan. Significant influence of nonlinear friction torque on motion performance of tracking turntables[J]. Tribology International, 2019, 136:148-154.

7. Jimin Xu, Xing Gao, Hang Dou, Cuiping Zhang, Wei Wang, Kun Liu. Improved cryogenic frictional properties of thrust ball bearings in liquid nitrogen through PTFE cages and dimple-type textures, Cryogenics, 2023, 135:103748(9pp).

8. Cheng Zheng, Cuiping Zhang, Wei Sun, Wei Wang, Kun Liu, Jimin Xu#. Experiments and molecular dynamic simulations on the cryogenic tribological behaviors of pure silver in liquid nitrogen, Tribology International, 2023, 188:108836(10pp).

9. Jun Du, Ning Liu, Cheng Zheng, Fang Zhang, Xing Gao, Kun Liu, Jimin Xu#. Development of a novel reciprocating cryogenic tribometer through deformations of measurement structure, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2023, 94:063908(9pp).


1. 航空航天战略装备新型基础件研发。

2. 极端低温摩擦学研究及其试验系统研发。

3. 工业智能装备研发。


1. 许吉敏,沈锦龙,郑文颖,王伟,刘焜.一种面向可重复使用火箭涡轮泵的液磁复合轴承,ZL201810958183.6[P]2019-11-08

2. 许吉敏,郑文颖,王伟,刘焜.一种卫星跟踪转台的地面模拟试验方法及装置,ZL201910362800.0 [P]2020-08-07

3. 许吉敏,黄翾,闫泳旭,胡星宇,郑文颖.一种非接触式机械能传递试验台及其试验方法,ZL201910846438.4 [P]2021-02-05

4. 许吉敏,贾西洋,历健,关士奇,等.一种管道内壁涂覆装置,ZL202011079972.6 [P]2021-09-14

5. 许吉敏,王琪,刘朋桓,李宇龙,等.一种批量制备高温超导块材的系统及方法,ZL202011030249.9 [P]2022-05-10

6.     许吉敏,刘宁等.低粘润滑介质动压承载液膜生成转速测试台及测试方法,ZL 202111113610.9 [P]2023-06-27

7.     许吉敏,豆航等.一种引入弹性承载面的自适应超导磁液双浮轴承,ZL 202211463479.3 [P]2023-07-14

8.     许吉敏,高杏等.一种模拟低温流体润滑工况的回转式摩擦学测试仪及测试方法,ZL 2022105329202 [P]2023-04-11


1. 国家自然科学基金委国际(地区)合作与交流项目,液体分子层间俘获下二维MXene固液复合润滑材料摩擦学机理研究(编号:52411540029),2024/04-2026/12

2. 国家自然科学基金委面上项目,弹支自适应超导磁液双浮轴承低温低粘极端工况摩擦学研究(编号:52175165),2022/01-2025/12

3. 国家自然科学基金委青年项目,超导磁力减载下低粘承载液膜生成机制的研究(编号:51805131),2019/01−2021/12

4. 中国博士后基金面上项目一等资助,超导磁液复合轴承中低粘承载液膜生成转速的调控研究(编号:2018M640580),2018/11-2020/7

5. 学术新人提升B计划,超导磁液复合轴承转子系统快变过程瞬态动力学研究(编号:JZ2020HGTB0054),2020/04-2021/12

6. 企业委托课题,大尺寸铝合金型材扭曲加工装置液压与电气系统开发(编号:W2020JSKF0323),2020/07-2020/12

6. 企业委托课题,浸渍石墨密封环摩擦学评定(编号:W2023JSFW0204),2023/02-2024/02

